8th grade flashback! My how young we were!
When we graduated from high school, I stayed here in Conway and she, being the adventurous one, traveled to Appleton, Wisconsin to pursue her dream of studying music. I am amazed when I think about how that was over four years ago now. Time has flown so quickly! Anyways, I always told Kinsey that I wanted to visit her and experience a new part of the country, but of course life got busy for both of us and it never happened. Even thousands of miles away, Kinsey has remained one of my closest friends. She's always been one of those friends that you can just pick up with right where you left off! So after one of our long catch up phone calls back in September, we decided to finally make this trip happen! I set out on Halloween and made my way to the Midwest, which I really just consider the north! :) I spent 4 days with Kinsey and got to see Appleton, as well as Chicago! It was so fun to see where she has lived, meet her friends, and experience something way different from little Conway, Arkansas. I've been meaning to post these pictures since I got back, but of course life has been busy, busy, busy! So here goes!
I have to say spending several hours in the sky that day traveling to Appleton was some of the most relaxing, joyous time I had had in a while! Lauren Chandler's EP had just come out that week and it was definitely one of the coolest things to be flying so high and listening to her version of "The Sparrow."
About to land in Appleton! I loved flying over Lake Michigan and seeing all of the landscapes!
The amazing house Kinsey lives in right by a river.
The amazing view from behind Kinsey's house!
Another shot of the river. I couldn't get enough of the fall foliage!
All of the houses were so pretty an unique!
On Thursday we drove to Chicago for my first visit ever!
Coming up on the city!
Of course we had to go see the Bean! The first grade teacher in me wondered how many germs were on that thing :)
A beautiful Cathedral that we went into to look around!
We happened upon an art gallery that had a whole section of Dr. Seuss artwork! Made me miss my babies!
Beautiful view in the middle of downtown Chicago after doing a little shopping!
After sight seeing for a little while we went and walked through the Art Institute. As we were walking in a couple walking out handed us their tickets and said they were good for the rest of the day! We were so excited that those sweet people saved us over $30.
One of my favorites from the gallery.
Chicago at night.
We met up for dinner with some of Kinsey's friends from college. Hanging out in Chicago at night with people who really know the city made me feel 13! This small town girl had to keep up with them!
We spent the night in Chicago with one of Kinsey's friends and woke up the next morning to head back to Appleton. Before we left we stopped at the cutest little diner with amazing food!
On our way out we stopped by Northwestern University to see the amazing view of the city next to Lake Michigan.
On our way back we had to stop at THE Mars Cheese Castle! The inner tourist in us came out for sure.
It's really a castle on the side of the interstate that just sells every kind of cheese you can imagine!
Ya gotta try the cheese head while you're in Wisconsin!
The rest of the weekend was spent at Lawrence, Kinsey's school. It was their annual Jazz Festival weekend, so we went to two great performances that really broadened my horizons. Kinsey has always been the one to help in that area of my life!
My last night in Appleton we went and tried out the Melting Pot for dessert. Oh. My. Word. Talk about amazing!! Absolutely heaven!
Sunday at the airport before I flew home!
I am so glad that I was able to spend so much time with Kinsey in Wisconsin. It was definitely hard being away from my normal daily life and my husband and my kiddos, but it was time well spent with a good friend. I am so proud of Kinsey for following her dreams and not settling for less than her best. She has worked so hard in the past four years and I know that she will do great things with her talents and abilities! She will be going to grad school soon and I am excited to see where she ends up so that I can start planning my next trip :)
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