Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cricut This and Cricut That!

So for Christmas, Santa brought me a Cricut! I was so very excited because I have heard so many wonderful things about them and I love to make cards and scrapbook when I have time. I had also heard that they are great to have as a teacher because of all of the sizes and shapes they can create! So a few days after Christmas, I had to organize and clean out my entire room just to make room for the fun new addition to my room. As I was organizing and rearranging, I came to the realization that I was going to need to get rid of some stuff before I get married or Nathan won't be able to bring anything with him! Anyways, I'm just getting started with using the Cricut, so I haven't gotten too creative yet, but I'm so excited about my beginning creations that I had to share! I've been making divider pages for my Wedding Planning Binder and here are a few! Kind of simple, but I'm still excited about them :)

Here is my cute little set-up that was added to house the Cricut. It also helped with my book collection!

This actually wasn't made with the Cricut, but it's the front of my Wedding Planning Binder!

This one is probably one of my favorites!

A few of them have Scrapbook Stickers. I almost like the ones without better!

Sadly, this is my least favorite page. Too many stickers and not enough Cricut magic!

I still have a few more divider pages to make, but this is what I have so far! This binder has been such a help as we've been planning the wedding! I am such an organized, OCD freak it's not even funny! I have to have things all in place, so this has been wonderful. Mom and I have been able to get a lot of planning done this week and only have a few more things to do for now. Nathan FINALLY comes back to Conway tomorrow, so I have a list of things for us to do this week before school starts back! Everything is coming together very well so far :)

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